Microwave safe RFID tag added to Stora Enso’s ECO family

The ECO Meal, with anewspaper substrate, is engineered toeliminate hazards around microwave-based arcing, the company explains, while being moresustainablethan traditional plastic tags. Co-ordinate toVille Voipio, Stora Enso Intelligent Packaging'due south head of sales and marketing it also enables supply chain rail-and-trace functionality. It is part of a family offour ECO products for food: joining ECO Hanger, ECO Stripe and ECO Cap, that enable theRFID identification of nutrient and drinks sold at cocky-service stores and traditional supermarkets.
TraditionalRFID tags come with an aluminum- or copper-etched RFID antenna, an integrated circuit and a polyethylene terephthalate (PET) layer on which the chip and antenna can be attached to the tag's newspaper substrate. That PET plastic layer provides high strength and flexibility, but information technology is not recyclable, has poor absorption of water, increases soil temperature and can last for up to 1,000 years in soil.These Antennasdo not break down in waste material while carving with chemicals too causes manufacturing waste and carbon dioxide emissions.
ECO tags are designed to existrecyclable. The printed UHF labels are in use globally for tracking apparel and fashion, equally well as cosmetics and other retail applications. Until recently, Voipio says, "We've mainly beenfocusingon fashion and apparel." During the past few years, all the same, the company has beenmoving into other sectors equally thedemand for RFID expands.
Nutrient brands and traditional retailers now betoken they areseeking technology to reduce supply chain waste, amend food safety, and forbid expired or dangerous food from existence sold to consumers.COVID-19 has highlighted the need for technology to assist companies meet efficiency requirements and providecontactless experiences, Voipio says, as well equally to manage supply chain disruptions.
Stora Enso ECO tag to minimize microwave energy impact
The latest ECO Repast tag is designed to be attached to frozen entrees or other microwaveable packed foods. Its design includes engineering tominimize microwave energy impact, without adding material layers, says Antti Manninen, Stora Enso Intelligent Packaging's product manager for product line tags. Using NXP Semiconductors' UCODE fleck, information technology measures 97mmx 13mm, has a one-twelvemonth shelf life and has been tested at a TÜV Rheinland laboratory for microwave meal package safety.
TheECO Cap, also released this twelvemonth, is a 30mm tag that fits on top of plastic caps. it is designed touniquely identify plasticbottles containing water or other beverages, Manninen says. It isrecyclable and comes with a congenital-in UCODE 8 chip.
Voipio adds, "We believe nosotros are providing the firstcomprehensive sustainable RFID for nutrient and drink." The production is ready to existpiloted or deployed now, with volumes targeted for the third quarter of 2021.The tags are currently beingassessed by several food brands.

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Source: https://packagingsouthasia.com/zarchive/archive-food-beverages/stora-enso-5/
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